Entry 02 // Meet Elizabeth, President of IWRC’s Board of Directors.
Curiosity Literacy Curiosity Literacy

Entry 02 // Meet Elizabeth, President of IWRC’s Board of Directors.

Hi, I’m Elizabeth Levoy, President of the Board of Directors at the International Women’s Resource Center. I joined IWRC because I deeply believe in its mission—to provide support and community for refugee and immigrant women, and by extension their families, and to help them integrate into their new communities here in Los Angeles.

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Entry 01 // Hello & Welcome! Meet Katie, IWRC’s Founder.
Curiosity Literacy Curiosity Literacy

Entry 01 // Hello & Welcome! Meet Katie, IWRC’s Founder.

IWRC is a space of support and community for refugee and immigrant women. Our focus is on: Adult Basic Education, Health Literacy, Workforce Preparation, Family Literacy, and Community Building. We also provide personalized support services as needed. This safe space is important for women, to both receive and to share tools for momentum, success, and joy.

We are based in Los Angeles and we host many in-person community building events. However, all of our educational programming is presented in a hybrid manner. Our classes, workshops, and one-on-one sessions can be attended in-person, synchronously streamed online, or watched online at a later date. This hybrid approach relieves issues of transportation, childcare, work scheduling, accessibility and more. Our aim is to present programming that is nimble and responsive to the lives of our participants, volunteers, and staff - in order to best serve one another.

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