Entry 22 // Holiday Giving
Holiday Giving Guide
Every donation impacts the lives of refugee and immigrant women and their families at the International Women's Resource Center, where we cultivate joy and momentum through learning, support, and resources. With your generosity, you're not just giving; you're creating opportunities and fostering empowerment.

Entry 21 // Giving Tuesday & 2023 Give Guide!
Support IWRC on Giving Tuesday 2023!
As a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering and supporting refugee and immigrant women and their families, the donations we receive on Giving Tuesday will ensure that we can continue providing educational programming, resources, and invaluable opportunities to our participants.

Entry 20 // World Refugee Day 2023!
June 20th is World Refugee Day! In a world where borders may separate us, it is vital to remember our shared humanity.

Entry 19 // New Volunteer Opportunities Available.
Here are some new volunteer opportunities available with IWRC.

Entry 18 // Online Library for IWRC Promotional Materials.
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our promotional materials library!

Entry 17 // IWRC is seeking a new member to join the Board of Directors.
IWRC is seeking a committed and passionate individual to join the Board of Directors for our non-profit organization, which serves refugee women internationally.
Entry 16 // Live from IATEFL 2023 in London: Day Three.
It's day three of IATEFL in London…

Entry 15 // Live from IATEFL 2023 in London: Day Two.
It's day two of IATEFL, and Katie presented on creating Escape Rooms.
Entry 14 // Live from IATEFL 2023 in London: Day One.
This week Katie is in Harrogate, London, for the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) conference.

Entry 13 // The Broad Museum Virtual Field Trip Recap!
Our virtual field trip to The Broad Museum in LA was a wonderful experience!

Entry 12 // Planet Word Museum Virtual Field Trip Recap!
Our virtual field trip to Planet Word Museum (@planetworddc) was a great success!

Entry 11 // We earned a Candid Gold Seal!
We’re excited to share that IWRC has earned a 2023 Gold Seal of Transparency with Candid!

Entry 10 // We earned a Candid Silver Seal!
We’re excited to share that IWRC has earned a 2022 Silver Seal of Transparency with Candid!

Entry 09 // Meet Iryna, IWRC’s European Consultant.
“I was fortunate to spend some time in LA this fall on the invitation of IWRC. This journey exposed me to American culture including Halloween festivities putting myself in the shoes of Loretta Lynna (picture included) and bits of IWRC work…

Entry 08 // Online Calendar of Events.
Great news! IWRC received funding to develop, design, and maintain an online Calendar of Events for our website.

Entry 07 // IWRC Kick-Off Party Wrap-up!
On Saturday, October 29th, we hosted the first of many IWRC mixers. It was a wonderful opportunity to build community, break bread, play some language/ trivia games, and share some laughs - all while supporting IWRC's mission!

Entry 06 // IWRC Programming Updates.
The IWRC team has been working hard onboarding participants and recruiting volunteers. So far, we have welcomed thirty students in Europe, thirty students in Los Angeles, and seventy volunteers!

Entry 05 // Say Hello to IWRC Student, Anastasiia Kravtsova.
"I am Anastasiia Kravtsova from Mariupol, Ukraine. I was forced to flee from my city and country because of the war, and now I live in Latvia.”

Entry 04 // IWRC Promotional Materials.
We have some exciting new promotional materials available to make promoting IWRC easy as pie! We added some of the promotional materials to our online shop that are free and available to download instantly. These downloadable materials come in PDF format and can be printed to hand out as flyers or shared digitally. There are detailed descriptions of each of the promotional PDFs available on the website.
Entry 03 // The IWRC Online Shop is Live!
We are so excited to announce the launch of our online shop! We offer a variety of colorful, custom-designed items for sale on our website, including t-shirts, mugs, postcards, stickers, and more. We also offer free shipping on all orders.